Jessica Feldman Concordia – Samples of Student Projects

[examples of graduate and undergraduate student projects from classes covering sound art, new media, physical computing, and interactivity]

  • Sarah Koljonen, xound: interactive web project proposing to link “web neighbors” using sound. Website includes recordings of sound compositions, original images, and photographs.


  • Glenn Graeber, PoeticKontrol, video documentation of performance with custom-built interactive sculpture/instrument. A MIDI-controlled drum set is outfitted with colored lights and use to activate audio files of the artist speaking words and phrases from a poem he wrote. He ‘performs’ and transmutes the poem by touching the drums and activating the samples in different orders and rhythms. MIDI drum set, max-msp patch, audio recordings.


  • Brandon Baglivo, Omnificentric: mixed-media installation with wood, raw speakers, mics, arduino boards, plastic, wire, cornstarch, sand, video camera and live projected video, other mixed media. Dimensions variable. Three robotic instruments generate sounds in real-time, which are amplified through speakers containing three different substances. The changing of the sound vibrations creates changing visual patterns in these substances (sand, cornstarch, etc.) These patterns are captured by video cameras and projected in real-time onto a screen at the front of the installation, collapsing them into one two-dimensional image resembling a constantly morphing landscape.


  • Zach Sands, cut up, sound collage of train sounds, field recordings of nature preserve, voices reading philosophical texts, 2:16


  • Krista Shaffer, Listening Box: Boxes with speakers mounted inside, playing edited and spatialized recordings of five different conversations. Cardboard, soundproof insulation, tweeters, looping CDs.


  • Lane Graff, Swamp Bat, single channel video with sound, 4:12


[examples of undergraduate student projects from Media and Cultural Analysis]

  • Amanda Yang, Media Ownership: Then and Now: data visualization of media ownership in the United States, 1990s vs 2000s

Media Ownership: Comparative Visualization

  • Mary Li, Amanda Yang, and Xiaopei Jia, Placards for the Unrepresented: imagined placards for a “counterarchive,” responding to the Asian collection at the NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art

Placards for the Unrepresented