Snow in Mória
prototype on view at ateliers ouverts, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, July 2021
Snow in Mória [working title] is a sound installation made in collaboration with Refocus Media Labs (Lesvos, Greece). The piece will be an installation of two tall, parallel, cinderblock walls with speakers embedded, “bleeding” the sound of water. The audio is composed from field recordings gathered from important sites of migration and deportation, including the camps in Lesvos, tent camps around Paris, as well as the Holocaust deportation memorial on the Île de Cité, Paris.
audio excerpts (please listen with headphones or good speakers if possible & don’t use chrome browser)
- La Seine @ Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation (Paris), winter-spring 2020-2021
- First rain @ Mavrovouni Refugee Camp, October 2020
- Storm @ Mavrovouni Refugee Camp, January 2021
- Water pump @ Mavrovouni Refugee Camp, September 2020
- Shoveling water from tents @ Mavrovouni Refugee Camp, September 2020
Paris recordings by Jessica Feldman
Lesvos recordings by Citizen Journalists of @refocusmedialabs, Mavrovouni Refugee Camp (aka Moria2), Lesvos, Greece