words: writings, talks, articles, conversations, essays
Academic publications here
a somewhat random collection of older and less-academic publications …
long form review of and musings about the MoMA sound art show
published in Ear | Wave | Event, April 2014
Did My Education Cost Too Much?
Article on student debt and the political economy of higher education
Newsweek’s The Daily Beast, September 2012
The People’s Speaker: The Occupation of Listening
Talk/Paper on the use of the people’s mic in the occupy movement
Intersections/Cross Sections Conference, York & Ryerson Universities, Toronto, April 2012
Roundtable: Art, Politics, and Critical Engagement Today
Presentation on Futility and a conversation at the Neil Postman Conference: Thinking Through Collapse, March 2012
Lead-from-Somewhere: Art, Artist, and Contemporary Civic Action (Part One)
Talk at ICA Philadelphia, February 2012
Lead-from Somewhere: Art, Artist, and Contemporary Civic Action (Part Two)
Conversations at ICA Philadelphia, February 2012
Fire Your Internship (with Matt Kalasky)
Short article in the-st-claire.com, September 2012
Curatorial Essay for Live & Active at BRAC, summer 2008
also published and circulated as a flyer, which was designed to be folded into a paper airplane (link here)